Как сделать имитацию дерева, спилов

Как сделать имитацию дерева,, спилов / How to make a wood imitation, wooden saws. A brief translation in English. materials used to create: cardboard, PVA glue, construction plaster or any acrylic paste for Releva, sandpaper, tools, (toilet paper, glue), acrylic paints or oil art paints, varnish for protection, matte varnish for effect, beeswax Finnish coating. español - Materiales utilizados para crear: cartón, pegamento PVA, masilla o pasta acrílica para el alivio, papel de lija, herramientas (papel higiénico, pegamento), pinturas acrílicas o pinturas al óleo, barnices protectores, barniz mate para efectos, cera de abejas ВК моя группа - Инстаграм -
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