Lightning Generator Made Of Water (DIY Marx Generator)

Sign up for an epic free trial to The Great Courses Plus at It’s time we look at water for what it is worth. Inherent electrical properties make it wildly useful for power transformation, and, high voltage generation. Recently, I realized an entire Marx Generator could be built using primarily water and plastic, and this is the journey I took. *** DO NOT ATTEMPT IF YOU HAVE ZERO EXPERIENCE WITH ELECTRICITY. MIXING WATER WITH ELECTRICITY IS FOR THOSE WITH EXPERIENCE, AND INTENDED AS SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION ONLY *** @ElectroBOOM @Integza Video i’ve now shot, on power source: Supplies used: Cups, inner - Cups, outer - Tubing - Hardware, hook - (NOTE: you need to cut about .75 inches off the length) Hardware, loop - Plasma Channel Patreon: Plasma Chan
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