빅매치 2차 예고편 Big Match Trailer #2 (2014) directed by 최호(Choi Ho)
도심 전체를 무대로 천재 악당으로부터 형을 구하기 위한 익호의 무한질주를 그린 초특급 오락액션 영화.
A Korean UFC rookie, Ik-ho seemed as though he would have a smooth journey in his career until his father figured brother is haunted by police on a false murder charge. Police start to look at Ik-ho with suspicion, and they arrest him.
개봉일(Released Date) : 2014년 12월 00일(Released Date in Korea : 2014/12/00)
장르(Genre) : 액션(Action)
감독(Director) : 최호(Choi Ho)
출연(Cast) : 이정재(Lee Jeong-jae),