50-MIN FAT KILLER HIIT WORKOUT (total body weight loss, fat burn, build lean muscle + abs exercises)

Get ready to crush this sweaty and intense KILLER HIIT workout. Trigger a MASSIVE afterburn effect to accelerate your metabolism for fast total body weight loss. The 50-minute workout will help you burn fat all over the body, build lean muscles, and build 6-pack abs. Fat killer HIIT is demanding sesh but designed for all fitness levels (60/30 HIIT timer / 8, 15 lb.) ➡️ Join Transform membership here ➡️ Subscribe to channel here ➡️ Exercising with an interval-style workout will help you maximize your workout and calorie burn in the minimum amount of time! We are using dumbbells and will be doing compound strength exercises to sculpt out the entire body and build lean muscles. We are working on our strength and endurance as well with a challenging upper-body routine and lower-body exercises that include pushups, squats, deadlifts, and tricep dips. 0:00 HIIT workout 0:
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