Do not Indulge in poison because there is an Antidote | 靠佛力消三毒 | Lamp for this defiled, evil world

What are the 3 main poisons, that have kept us bound, to relentless pain and suffering?. What is the Antidote?. Why we should not indulge ourselves in these poisons, even after we have found the Antidote. In Mattosho letter 20 ( Lamp for the latter Ages), Master Shinran admonishes us, against indulging in our blind impulses, disregarding Amida Buddha’s Great Compassion, and distorting the teachings of The True Pure Land Way. He tells us about the implications of unabated indulgence in these poison, among those, who think, they have found the antidote. ’Amida Buddha’ media channel, is dedicated to the accurate dissemination of the wonderful expositions of Venerable Master Shinran on The True Pure Land Path, known as Jodo Shinshu. It reveals the Precious Gift of Entrusting Faith in Amida Buddha’s Primal Vow, freely given by the Tathagata of Unhindered Light and Life, to all suffering sentient beings, assuring them of birth in His Land of Peace and Happiness at the end of their live
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