Trigger warning: 0:20 to 0:22 features self-harm and implied attempted suicide
Hello, Team Beat is back at it again with that sweet sweet angst!
The theme of the MEP was a character trying to pretend they are okay to those around them. This was shown through scenes in b/w, monotone or desaturated colors that show the moments of self-doubt or sadness in contrast to the scenes in color.
The theme is very much inspired by quotes like “The happiest smiles hide the saddest thoughts” and I think everyone did a beautiful job capturing that!
Special thank you to Ash for replacing a part and everyone else for joining the MEP! It was as always a pleasure to work with you all ♥
Please enjoy!
0:00 || Part 1: Bishani | Tsurune
0:13 || Part 2: OkamiRissi | Wonder Egg Priority
0:24 || Part 3: zatzou | Detective Conan
0:39 || Part 4: Ruby Tsuki | Bloom Into You
0:53 || Part 5: crisadilla | Fena:
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