Blagoslaven Jesi Gospodi - Blessed Are Thou O Lord (English Subtitles) Serbian Orthodox
Blessed art thou O Lord; teach me thy statutes.
Blagosloven esi, Gospodi, nauchi mya opravdaniem Tvoim.
The angelic host was filled with awe when it saw thee among the dead.
Angel’skiĭ sobor udivilsya, zrya Tebe v mertvykh vmenivshasya,
By destroying the power of death, O Saviour, thou didst raise Adam and save all men from hell.
smertnuyu zhe, Spase, krepost’ razorivsha, i so soboyu Adama vozdvigsha, i ot ada vsya svobozhdsha.
Blessed art thou O Lord; teach me thy statutes.
Blagosloven esi, Gospodi, nauchi mya opravdaniem Tvoim.
‘Why do you mingle myrrh with your tears of compassion, O ye women disciples?’
,,Pochto mira s milostivnymi slezami, o uchenitsy, rastvoryaete?``
Cried the radiant angel in the tomb to the myrrh-bearers.
Blistayaĭsya vo grobe Angel mironositsam veshtashe:
‘Behold the tomb and understand: the Saviour is risen from the dead.’
,,Vidite vy grob i urazumeĭte: Spas bo voskrese ot groba.``
Blessed art thou O Lord; teach me thy statutes.
Blagosloven esi, Gospodi, nauchi mya opravdaniem tvoim.
Very early in the morning the myrrh-bearers ran with sorrow to thy tomb,
Zelo rano mironositsy techakhu ko grobu Tvoemu rydayushtiya,
but an angel came to them and said: ‘The time for sorrow has come to an end. Do not weep, but announce the resurrection to the apostles.’
No predsta k nim Angel i reche:,,Rydaniya vremya presta, ne plachite, voskresenie zhe apostolom rtsyte.
Blessed art thou O Lord; teach me thy statutes.
``Blagosloven esi, Gospodi, nauchi mya opravdaniem Tvoim.
The myrrh-bearers were sorrowful as they neared the tomb but the angel said to them:
Mironositsy zheny, s miry prishedshiya ko grobu Tvoemu, Spase, rydakhu
.‘Why do you number the living amongst the dead? Since he is God, He is risen from the tomb.’
Angel zhe k nim reche, glagolya: ,,...Chto s mertvymi zhivago pomyshlyaete? Yako Bog bo vokrese ot groba.``
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
Slava Ottsu i Synu i svyatomu Dukhu.
We worship the Father, and his Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Poklonimsya Ottsu i Ego Synovi, i Svyatomu Dukhu,
The Holy Trinity, one in essence. We cry with the seraphim:
Svyateĭ Troitse vo edinom sushtestve, so serafimy zovushte:
‘Holy, holy, holy art thou, O Lord.’ Both now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
svyat, svyat, svyat esi, Gospodi. I nyne i prisno i vo veki vekov, amin’.
Since thou didst give birth to the Giver of Life, O Virgin,
Zhiznodavtsa rozhdshi, grekha, Devo,
thou didst deliver Adam from his sin. Thou gavest joy to Eve instead of sadness.
Adama izbavila esi. Radost’ zhe Eve v pechali mesto podala esi;
The God-man who was born of thee has restored to life those who had fallen from it.
padshiya zhe ot zhizni k seĭ napravi, iz Tebe voplotivyĭsya Bog i chelovek.
Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia, Glory to thee, O God.
Alliluia, alliluia, alliluia, slava Tebe, Bozhe.
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Blagoslaven Jesi Gospodi - Blessed Are Thou O Lord (English Subtitles) Serbian Orthodox