Zorin OS 17: Best Windows Alterative?

In this video I will tell about the Zorin OS, the Linux distribution that really close to Windows. After 3 years, a major new update of Zorin OS is out, and I wanted to see what’s new. Spoiler, not so much. You can support me on Buy Me a Coffee: Timecodes: 00:00 After a long time 01:20 For average users 01:59 Windows clone? 02:44 Windows 10 Lifecycle 03:11 Games! 03:39 Nice features 05:46 Zorin OS Pro 06:20 Zorin OS Lite 06:39 There’s no Adwaita 07:44 Gimmicks 08:25 It’s not modern 09:09 Message to the devs 10:32 One Desktop = One OS
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