Back at it with the classic vaporwave!
0:00 18 Carat Affair - pretty girls I don’t know anymore
1:54 Under Two Palms - Hazy Daze
4:57 peazy86サイバーハンター - you are the number one! あなたはナンバー1です!
7:20 幽霊, TOGETHER! - F u r t h e r F r o m T h e T r u t h
11:59 bl00dwave - only you
15:02 SpaceGhostPurrp - Dreamz Wishez
24:50 Lil Ugly Mane - Last Breath (Outroduction)
26:17 Illum Sphere - Ritual
30:49 Phoenix #2772 - 人生最愛の人
33:57 Elemental 95 - VITO蒸気の波を行います - 848-0471
36:47 INTERNETF R I E N D - 1997資本主義〜VISʍ