Disney voices in the Eurovision (part 1)

PART 2: We all mourn this year’s cancellation our own way, I guess… In this video I tried to list up all the singers who took part in the Eurovision and dubbed something for Disney. Now, the list is IMMENSE, and keeping track of all these artists is basically impossible, so I decided to shorten the list to Disney classics only (no live actions, no side products, no sequels, etc.)…and yet, I still had to split the video in two parts. The list is almost surely incomplete nonetheless, so please, if you spot someone missing, let me know! Missing artists: Andrea Szulák: - Hungary 1993 with “Árva reggel“ [pre-qualification only] - Hungarian soloist in “The Lion King“ Anggun: - France 2012 with “Echo (You and I)“ - European French Virana in “Raya and the Last Dragon“ Anna Maria Jopek - Poland 1997 with “Ale jestem“ - Polish Melpomene in “Hercules“ Barbara Dex
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