Kemest-Origin (’95)

Kemest’s “Liricsmatic” CD was sent to Caught In The Middle Magazine in ’95, and was the mag that I was a co-owner of. The CD was sent from Salt Lake City, UT, and it was the first Hip Hop that I can remember hearing from out of there, and I can’t think of much I’ve heard since then either. I have yet t find anyone else who has this CD, though I’m certain some other people must have it. I did share one other song from this CD on a mix I did several years back called “Hiss-Story“, and that has the song, “One For Dah Mental“, which is probably my favorite track on th album. This is a very solid CD, for both the beats and rhymes. In the inside liner notes it says that the next Kemest album is “Due out December ’95!!!”, so it’s quite possible he has some more music out there. I keep hoping I can reconnect with him to learn more about his history, the origins of the Salt Lake City scene, and his music archives.
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