Floater Only Vitrectomy (FOV) for MASSIVE vitreous eye floaters - Dr Simon Chen HD 1080p

Surgical video showing sutureless vitrectomy for removal of highly symptomatic chronic vitreous eye floaters. A middle aged woman complained of an 18 month history of blurred vision and floaters. Pre-op visual acuity = 6/9 (20/30) Massive vitreous floaters were visible behind an intraocular lens. The view of the retina was obscured by the floaters located in the visual axis. Surgery consisted of a sutureless Floater Only Vitrectomy (FOV). Post-op visual acuity = 6/6 (20/20) No residual floaters were present and the retina was easily visualised. Management options for symptomatic floaters include: 1. Conservative observation 2. YAG laser vitreolysis 3. Floater Only Vitrectomy (FOV) Each option has pros & cons and the treatment should be tailored to the individual patient depending upon symptoms, clinical findings and personal preference after consultation with an experienced retinal surgeon. The advantage of Floater Only Vitrectomy is complete or nearly complete removal of floaters and excellent symptom
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