Exporting Alembics For Blender: A Few Hacks

Support us on Patreon: EDIT: Thanks so much for the many comments & hints! Josh Rizzo (@josh_rzo) on Twitter pointed out I’m missing a few import options when loading in the alembic. Here’s how to import animated attributes without a deforming/animated mesh: - Import Alembic - Make sure “Set Frame Range“ and “Is Sequence“ options in import dialog are checked - After import uncheck “Sequence“ on the alembic’s Mesh Sequence Modifier - Tadaa! Thanks Josh :) Mo struggles to bring over animated point attributes from Houdini into Blender. Resulting in a very (very!) hacky workflow. Please let us know in the comments that there’s a better way to pull this off! Also contains hints on grouping and building a mesh hierarchy when exporting from Houdini via alembic. Download Scene File: 3D Scan from:
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