Bielawa, never let me down again - Polska PL - Depeche Mode video clip cover
Zapraszamy do przeczytania postu na temat powstania coveru teledysku Depeche Mode na naszym blogu:
Dziękujemy za pomoc przy realizacji filmu:
Tadeuszowi Łazowskiemu
Grzegorzowi Szerszeniowi
Janowi Gąsowskiemu
Bibliothece Bielavianie
Bielawskiej Placówce Muzealnej
When Husband, after publishing „Enjoy the Silence” clip ( asked enthusiastically „So what now ‘Never…’?” I felt overwhelmed with emotions, excitement but also with exhaustion and responded quickly „No way”. But history repeated itself as it was with „Enjoy…”. When I imagined ruins of textile mills from Bielawa and went into this conversation with Husband, we knew that „Bielawa never let us down again…” is our main message.
We were aware, that this project will require more work and involving other people, from the very beginning. „Bielawa, never let me down again” was created
4 years ago 00:04:36 6
Bielawa, never let me down again - Polska PL - Depeche Mode video clip cover