Manual testing 25 - What is Database testing? Types of Database testing | Tools for database testing
What is Database testing?
Database Testing.
Database Validations.
How to test the Database.
Steps to do Database testing
Types of Database Testing
Tools for Database Testing
Advantages of Database Testing
Possible interview questions on database testing
Database Testing
Database testing is retrieved values from the database by the web or desktop application
Database testing is one of the major testing which requires tester to expertise in checking tables, writing queries and procedures.
Database validation
• Data mapping.
Data mapping is a part of the database testing. It focuses on validating the data traversing backend forth from the application to the backend database.
• ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties validation.
ACID is an acronym for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.
• Data Integrity. This means that any of the create, retrieve, upgrade and delete operations, the updated and mos