‘মক্কাশরীফ’ আর ‘আল আকসা’ মসজিদে হাত দিলে ঈসরাইলীরা পৃথিবী থেকে চিরতরে নিশ্চিন্ন হয়ে যাবে।

The red cow, the black cow, and the green cow, whatever the color of the cow, no matter what the Zionist Israelis Show out? If you touch Makkasharif and Al Aqsa mosques, by the will of the Great Creator, the Israelites will be wiped out from the world forever. The killing, and wounding of 50 lakh innocent women, children, and old men, and the rape of women of Palestine by the murderers of Israeli soldiers will be judged by the Creator. On top of that, millions of houses and buildings have already been demolished by bombs and fire by the Israeli Army and Miscreants. Most of all, “red cow tau“ is just an excuse. Red cows can be seen in many countries of the world. The main objective is to capture the Al-Aqsa site by Israel and stop Muslims from visiting the Al-Aqsa site forever.
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