mtSplineFX is the new spline effects generation tool, coming to MeshTools. It is perfect for creating forked lightning, designing cabling systems, detailed webbing designs and complex electrical arcing systems.
Connect objects by simply dragging objects into the start and end object properties boxes. Connection objects can be polygon objects, splines and generators, like mograph cloners. You can also connect X-Particles.
mtSplineFX has noise-driven motion control for animated splines with a choice of noises. Simply layer up small noise detail and use the falloff curve to map the effects of the motion along the spline.
Quickly and easily create scene wires and cables, using the animation settings in the growth tab, along with the gravity settings.
You can make connections based on your original connections. You can add fork layers, with adjustments available to the length, length variation and angle of the forks. Falloff can also be used to dictate the noise and distribute it along the splines. Additional forks can be generated from forks by simply adding another layer.
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10 months ago 00:05:02 1
MeshTools Sneak Peak – Project Objects and Splines onto Scene Geo, Release Update Coming Soon 2024.2