8Dio Misfit Concertina 2

Welcome to Misfit - an unusual collection of 15 deep-sampled instruments - following the musical tradition of flicks like Breaking Bad, Dexter, There Will Be Blood, The Master or them fine video games like Left4Dead etc. The Misfit Concertina is a gorgeous ( sample) instrument for the aspiring pirate. The Concertina comes loaded with options, including regular sustains, staccato, crescendo and sforzando. We also recorded it both from left and right side, so you get the natural stereo perspective in it. In addition we added both digital and natural tremolo and a variety of uber-cool controls giving you the total Misfit Concertina experience. The Concertina is like a retired accordion with a life full of regrets and undesirable stories to tell: It is exactly the sound we wanted. Who needs an A4 at 440Hz when you have... this? More infor at
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