Secco Strings // Customisable Short Strings // Features
Secco Strings is a highly customisable collection of Viola, Violin, Cello and Bass recordings. Each Instrument has 3 available articulations (Pizzicato, Peck and Bounce) and 3 Play Modes (Single Notes, Rhythm and Texture).
You can also import up to 4 sets of your own samples using Drag ’n’ Drop (Kontakt 6 only).
Two fully automatable XY Pads allow you to customise your sound in dynamic and highly creative ways.
The Main XY Pad can be assigned to various parameters (Panning, Direction, Formant and Octave). You can also add up to 15 unique steps and assign a different articulation to each step.
The Tone XY Pad is used to adjust the main tone according to different playing styles (Bridge, Fingerboard, Finger, Pick).
4 months ago 00:10:49 24
Secco Strings // Customisable Short Strings // Features
7 months ago 03:33:49 1
Классическая музыка соединяет сердце и душу: Вивальди, Моцарт, Бетховен, Бах, Шопен, Чайковский...