Being black in America is a totally different ball game than being white
@On January 1st, 2021, Philadelphia Officer Robert Hoover was feeling his racist self and decided it was a perfect night for some racial profiling. So when he came across a Black pedestrian only identified as Gabriel at this point, he sprung into action. Gabriel wasn’t doing anything suspicious, except being Black in America, which has always been more than enough for the neo-slave patrol. (Remember, the police literally evolved directly from the slave patrol, and with the provision in the 13th amendment to allow slavery for people convicted of a crime, they do the same work today as they did then.) Throughout the video which was posted on YouTube earlier this month by police-watchdog-channel LackLuster, Hoover was racist and overbearing and tried to bait Gabriel into doing something for which he can arrest, brutalize, or kill him. Even though Gabriel never takes the bait, Hoover still arrested him in the end. Now that the video