The first rune, FA, represents connection to God. The song suggests that it is used to call help. It is the foundation of all rune power and healing, as we need this connection for our prayers to be answered Distress is released when we can trust in this kind of help. Practicing this Rune builds this connection.
The second Rune, UR, is the divine energy stepped down a level, to become life. It boosts the life force, and is therefore a valuable first step before balancing of meridians.
The third Rune, Thorn, relates to the heart. The heart is linked to ones self-esteem and motivation. Constant undermining tears these down. The stronger ones heart, the more immunity one has to these undermining influences. Thorn can give them the strength of heart they need to throw off all the shame and build self-esteem and positive motivation.
The fourth Rune, Os, represents the wind-swept cloak of Odin, signifying numinous wisdom, and the Odic energy that frees us from bondage to matter. It can be used to free one from rigid beliefs, laws and other blockages, and awaken power.
The fifth Rune, Raidho, relates to the kidney. The kidney is a filter, which filters off toxins and allows water and nutrients to be absorbed. It is linked to ones discrimination, and is weakened by fear. In fear, one tends to either block out helpful influences through mistrust, or let in harmful influences out of desperation. The Raidho Rune can clear out the negative programs.
The sixth Rune, Ken, relates to the stomach, and secondarily to the liver. It is Rune of fire, which relates to the digestive fire. The stomach tends to store feelings of overwhelm. Usually, this fire does not get fed, since we no longer have the rites of passage to see us through important changes. The liver is weakened when we lose and don’t have the faith to start again.
The ninth rune, Is, is the rune of self-consciousness. It strengthens the personality (ship) by calming emotionally charged thoughts ( the wind on the billowing floods). It relates to the lung meridian. The lungs are influenced by our expression of self. They are weakened when our voices are not heard, and our expression is suppressed, or becomes unbalanced. When we are not heard, we either stop communicating, or become very loud and forceful, in which case the lungs are over stimulated, which can also lead to disease.
The tenth Rune, Ar, relates to the large intestine. It is a Rune of reframing, that brings change from within. The large intestine relates to solid, core personality issues that form very early in life. As the poem suggests, this Rune can turn those spirits away, which is an essential part of the healing of the large intestine.
The twelfth Rune, Tyr, is the Rune of resurrection, particularly for the warrior. It relates to the triple warmer meridian, and secondarily to the central meridian. The warrior in us can be crushed by authorities, giving us no resource to maintain our own will and integrity. When this happens we lose power, our boundaries are weakened, we become cold. Tyr can resurrect our warrior and take back our power, restoring our voices.
The thirteenth Rune, Berk, is the Rune of the Mother, birth and spiritual rebirth. It relates to the small intestine meridian. It is dualistic in that on one hand it keeps one under the Mothers protection and provides safety, It provides a good foundation of self-worth and discrimination, without which one becomes prey to all kinds of tricksters, loses confidence, becomes humiliated, and develops shame. These weaknesses tend to get stored in the small intestine, closely related to the tan tieng point below the navel, which is a measure of ones inner strength, and how centred one is.
The fifteenth rune, Man, is the rune of man as a resurrected god. It develops mans’ spiritual powers, strengthens the aura, and gives protection. It should be used whenever one is not satisfied with ones spiritual development and is becoming frustrated. This spiritual frustration can be another cause of health problems, and can affect the spleen, thyroid, pituitary and pineal.
The eighteenth Rune, Gibor, is a further state of cosmic union. It represents the union of Gods with the World, Creator with creation. It also represents a gift. Exchanging gifts is a preparation for union, and an important step in the power of co-creation.
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