In most games you spend an awful lot of time looking at the back of your character. That’s why we decided to list the best butts in gaming. Get ready for some great virtual behinds.
5. Jill Valentine - Resident Evil
Resident Evil Revelations would have been much scarier if the behind of the main character wasn’t so prominently featured. The extremely tight outfit of Jill Valentine makes this one of most noticeable butts in gaming.
4. Cammy - Street Fighter
The military thong Cammy wears in Street Fighter 4 makes her an easy pick for this top five. This Street Fighter character that is known for her butt has been a favourite amongst cosplayers for many years.
3. Lara Croft - Tomb Raider
Recognize that rear? You should. Lara Croft has one of the most famous behinds in gaming. No matter what outfit she wears her ass always steals the show.
2. Ivy Valentine - Soul Calibur
Ivy Valentine is not only extremely busty but she also has a rather large b
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