Non-Spicy “Kung Pao“ Chicken (酱爆鸡丁)

Today we are making Jiang Bao Ji Ding (酱爆鸡丁). Ji Ding (鸡丁) means chicken bites. Bao (爆) is a cooking method that you toss the ingredients with cooking oil in a super hot wok. Jiang (酱) refers to its thick, glossy, and savory sauce. You can look at it as the non-spicy version of Kung Pao Chicken because the ingredients and cooking methods are similar. 🥢BUY MY WOK USA - CANADA - AUSTRALIA - EU (Just Launched!!) - Rest of the World (including UK) - 🥢PRINTABLE RECIPE - 🥢RELATED VIDEO“ Kung Pao Chicken - 🥢MY AMAZON INFLUENCER/AFFILIATE PAGE - (I share ingredients and recommended products there) 🥢SUPPORT ME ON PATREON - Videography / Editing by
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