GoodFriendASMR - Tea time and playing game with my lovely friend (Ear to Ear Whispering)-ASMR- 廣東話(Cantonese)
I was supposed to drink some beers with my friends but i got a cold this time i wanna enjoy the tea time with my friends first..“ho ng ho six ah “ pangyau!! =D
11 years ago 00:22:49 33
GoodFriendASMR - Chinese Mid-Autumn festival celebration -ASMR- 廣東話(Cantonese) 催眠 Candles Hypnotism/Soft Spoken
11 years ago 00:14:52 67
GoodFriendASMR - Reading a chinese book for You -ASMR-廣東話耳語(Cantonese) 建議請戴上耳筒聆聽
11 years ago 00:19:30 10
GoodFriendASMR - Tea time and playing game with my lovely friend (Ear to Ear Whispering)-ASMR- 廣東話(Cantonese)