FailLeak - Mi 35 takes out ISIS armored humvee somewhere in Anbar

Mi-35 takes out ISIS armored humvee somewhere in Anbar image: image: Part of channel(s): Iraq (current event), Syria (current event) Iraqi Mi-35 takes out ISIS armored humvee somewhere in Anbar liveleak liveleak fights liveleak torture liveleak killings liveleak orlando shooting liveleak gore liveleak murders liveleak shotgun liveleak plane crash liveleak gruesome death liveleak liveleak extremely graphic liveleaks liveleak videos liveleak beheading liveleak extreme liveleak extremely graphic women beheadings liveleak syria liveleak extremely graphic videos liveleak osama bin laden dead liveleak liveleak videos liveleak 2016 liveleak tv liveleak fights liveleak com worst truck accident ever wait for it liveleak nice france liveleak murders liveleak police shooting liveleak police liveleak liveleak live and learn (falling skies) they live (weak1
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