OpenAI tackles Math - Formal Mathematics Statement Curriculum Learning (Paper Explained)

#openai #math #imo Formal mathematics is a challenging area for both humans and machines. For humans, formal proofs require very tedious and meticulous specifications of every last detail and results in very long, overly cumbersome and verbose outputs. For machines, the discreteness and sparse reward nature of the problem presents a significant problem, which is classically tackled by brute force search, guided by a couple of heuristics. Previously, language models have been employed to better guide these proof searches and delivered significant improvements, but automated systems are still far from usable. This paper introduces another concept: An expert iteration procedure is employed to iteratively produce more and more challenging, but solvable problems for the machine to train on, which results in an automated curriculum, and a final algorithm that performs well above the previous models. OpenAI used this method to even solve two problems of the international math olympiad, which was previously infeasib
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