Active Dendrites avoid catastrophic forgetting - Interview with the Authors

#multitasklearning #biology #neuralnetworks This is an interview with the paper’s authors: Abhiram Iyer, Karan Grewal, and Akash Velu! Paper Review Video: Check out Zak’s course on Graph Neural Networks (discount with this link): Catastrophic forgetting is a big problem in mutli-task and continual learning. Gradients of different objectives tend to conflict, and new tasks tend to override past knowledge. In biological neural networks, each neuron carries a complex network of dendrites that mitigate such forgetting by recognizing the context of an input signal. This paper introduces Active Dendrites, which carries over the principle of context-sensitive gating by dendrites into the deep learning world. Various experiments show the benefit in combatting catastrophic forgetting, while preserving sparsity and limited parameter counts. OUTLINE: 0:00 - Intro 0:55 - Sponsor: GNN Cour
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