OpenCV Tutorial Part - 2 | OpenCV Face Recognition Python Tutorial | OpenCV Project | Simplilearn

In this video, OpenCV Tutorial Part-2, we continue from where we left off and use open cv to work on facial recognition. Follow along with this OpenCV Face Recognition Python Tutorial to create an OpenCV Project to help recognise different celebrity faces and get an in-depth understanding of OpenCV. 🔥Enroll for Free AI Course & Get Your Completion Certificate: ✅Subscribe to our Channel to learn more about the top Technologies: ⏩ Check out the AI & Machine Learning tutorial videos: #OpenCVTutorial #OpenCVTutorialForBeginners OprnCVFaceRecognitionPythonTutorial #OpenCVFaceRecognition #FaceRecognitionProject #OpenCVProject #ArtificialIntelligence #Simplilearn What is OpenCV? OpenCV-Python is a library of Python bindings designed to solve computer vision problems. It is used t
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