Yzma Goes Old Hollywood || But Make It Vintage Ep. 6
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AHHHH hullloooo! Time for a new episode of “But Make It Vintage“, it’s been a while! This time, it is another villain (because let’s face it, they’re more fun lol), and it is the GLAMOROUS Yzma.
I decided to go for an Old Hollywood/1930’s glam look for her, since she already kinda has that vibe to begin with. I hope you guys enjoy!! If you have any suggestions for future But Make It Vintage’s, let me know! :)
I love you all!
The pattern I used:
1 year ago 00:04:21 1
NSP - Galaxy Hamster
2 years ago 00:20:19 4
Yzma Goes Old Hollywood || But Make It Vintage Ep. 6