鹿晗 Luhan(Lộc Hàm ) X 吴亦凡WuYifan/Kris Wu(Ngô Diệc Phàm) - 咖啡 (Coffee) 官方The Official MV 【中英双语】
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鹿晗与吴亦凡合作新歌《咖啡(LH X KW)》歌词版MV上线!鹿晗轻松明快的演唱与吴亦凡灵活自如的Rap融合。两人在歌中将生活里我们常会遇到的琐碎烦恼和紧张统统抛开,选择用一杯冰“咖啡”来释放疲惫。MV中跳跃的歌词画面与歌曲律动相得益彰,更加凸显作品中轻松惬意的氛围。此次两位独具特色的年轻歌手的重磅合作,也开启了音乐领域一次惊艳而难得的全新尝试!
The lyrics version of Lu Han and Kris Wu’s new song, “Coffee (LH X KW)“, is coming! You can see the cooperation of Lu Han’s breezy singing style and Kris Wu’s flexible Rap. In this song, they will help us throw away all annoyances and stress, and chose to release our fatigue by glass of ice “coffee“. Those concordant jumping lyrics and rhyt
4 years ago 00:03:25 2
鹿晗 Luhan(Lộc Hàm ) X 吴亦凡WuYifan/Kris Wu(Ngô Diệc Phàm) - 咖啡 (Coffee) 官方The Official MV 【中英双语】
6 years ago 00:00:32 8
[ENG] LuHan 鹿晗 × “Shanghai Fortress“ 上海堡垒_Actor Lu