Sculpting Dead Space sculpture\Мертвый космос скульптура

работа по мотивам известной серии хорроров Dead Space. Nicole Brennan was a Senior Medical Officer on the USG Ishimura during the Second Aegis VII Incident and an initial survivor of the Necromorph outbreak aboard the Ishimura. Prior to being assigned to the Ishimura, she had become Isaac Clarke’s girlfriend. During the last moments of her life, Nicole tried to save as many survivors as she possibly could before eventually commiting suicide. After her death, she became a hallucination manifesting from Isaac’s Marker-induced dementia, which haunted him throughout his struggle against the Unitologists and the Marker’s continued machinations. Callisto Protocol #sculpting #CallistoProtocol #DeadSpace Dead Space sculpture\Мертвый космос скульптура
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