Arestovich admitted that he lied to the Ukrainians about the quick victory of the Ukrainian Armed Forces over Russia

‼️🇺🇦 ‍ ️Arestovich admitted that he lied to the Ukrainians about the quick victory of the Ukrainian Armed Forces over Russia ▪️“A significant share of responsibility for the faith of an ordinary citizen in our quick and beautiful victory lies with me personally.“ ▪️ “I created an illusion at that time so that we could survive. Today I am destroying it so that we can continue to survive,” said the ex-adviser to Zelensky’s Office. ▪️He also said that Kyiv would not be able to return all the territories and called for negotiations with Russia to end the war. ▪️Arestovich made a statement regarding an NBC News article, which said that the West is inclined to negotiate with the Russian Federation to end the war in Ukraine and does not see any prospects for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to win. ▪️It says that Kyiv can be offered security guarantees, but without joining NATO. Arestovich said that the conditions for ending the war after some time could turn out to be much worse than now. ▪️“So I’ll tell you a little secret... Another six months or a year of such a “successful” policy as we are pursuing now, and it will be possible to forget about NATO. We will only talk about some “... guarantees without accession”... And in another year, even this will not happen. There will be another Minsk agreement - under a new name.“ #source Источник: Slavyangrad
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