Testing groin strikes WITHOUT A CUP | are groin strikes the best self defence technique

SUBSCRIBE: Patreon: Facebook: Instagram: I’ve heard it, you’ve heard it, we’ve all heard it - “just kick him in the nuts,“ but have you ever actually tried to do it? This video shows that kicking someone in the nuts, kicking them in the balls, or giving them a “groin strike“ (if we want to be more eloquent) is a lot harder to do than most people seem to think. You’re watching reality check self-defence, the following is a little bit about this channel, but more importantly, it will help me get more views because of keywords and stuff. I have spent a large portion of my life training in martial arts that claimed to prepare me for real-life violence, that claimed to be able to teach me how to properly defend myself, they were wrong. It wasn’t until I encountered real-world vio
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