HBD GIOTTO! The blonde whore who I just remembered was his birthday 10 hours ago

HERE KIRA! HAPPY Dx GOSH! YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT SHE DID?! D8 SO WE WHERE SKYPING WITH EVERYONE WHICH WAS AMAZING 8D AND AND SHE JUST GOES “GO EDIT“ “...NOOOO“ “YOU DONT WANT TO MAKE ANYTHING?! D8“ “NOOOOO I DOOOO NOOOOO -GOES TO EDIT-“ yeah i needed the caps ANYWAY jk i wanted to make something for Giotto 8D but thanks to KIRA (love blaming her ;D) she told me like 10 hours i made this in i i had no ideas for it ;3; and i ran out of sorry it fails and the timings just ugh *corner of woe* OK ENOUGH WITH THE DRAMATICNESS and on with what you truly want ;D ....not really and as for the i said that kira should put as her i told her ill do it instead i LOVE YOU GIOTTO Song: Ingnition Artist: Toby Mac Anime: Katekyo Hitman Reborn Time Tooken: 1 hour Program: Sony Vegas
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