Manual Removal Of A Monstrous Beaver Dam - Thank You For 40,000 Subscribers
Manual Removal Of A Monstrous Beaver Dam - Thank You For 40,000 Subscribers
📝Basic information: Removing beaver dams - this is among other things I do.
Beaver dams are removed manually or mechanically with an excavator.
The work of removing beaver dams is very difficult and demanding, but it also gives a lot of satisfaction - especially to you, the viewers who watch these videos - so thank you for your support.
Sometimes it’s just plain quiet work, but sometimes the dam collapse and the work becomes more exciting.
I carry out work related to the removal of beaver dams at the request of state organizations, so each order is carried out in the place where beaver dams actually cause damage - flooding of nearby buildings, basements or farmlands, etc. Sometimes, when the terrain is flat, the damage caused is even several kilometers away from the dam built by beavers.
Even though beavers are very invasive animals, they are under strict protection in our country.
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