~【りら】 ひまわりの約束 踊ってみた 【オリジナル振付】 - Niconico Video sm38305796

Nice to meet you thirty times! My name is Rira This song I’ve always loved! It’s my first time swinging! I made it in a hurry in a short time and shot it in a hurry, so I’m still afraid, but I’d like to continue taking on the challenge (`・ ω ・ ´) ゞ It’s a song with a lot of feelings. May your feelings reach you. I would be grateful if you could comment! Music head family () Motohiro Hata Reference choreographer sm33380630 MaYbe (I used some references) 撮影編集 どらしま様 (@dorashimacat) ありがとうございました! りら(そばにいたいよ君のためにできることがぼくにあるなら) Twitter: マイリスト:mylist/65588271 りら 02/21/2021 00:00 Views 498
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