T3DH 71 Ender 3 V2 NEO Assembly

See how to build the new Ender-3 V2 NEO! LINKS: Get our FDM optimized fantasy terrain and miniatures here: Cura profiles: Supplies Links: ************************************************************************************************** Amazon Links (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases): Ender-3 V2 Neo from Amazon: PC4-M6 Fittings and PC4-M10 Fitting Connector for bowden tube: Micro SD to SD Card Extension Cable Adapter: 8mm OD 20mm Long Light Load Compression Mould Die Spring Yellow *********************************************************** Join our Dragonlock Facebook group for help with troubleshooting printing your DRAGONLOCK models on your 3D printer, see Dragonlock D&D tabletop terrain builds others have made, and much more! *********************************************************** Sign up for the Fat Dragon Games Newsletter here for previews of our Dragonlock D&D terrain and miniatures: ***********************************************************
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