“MERRY MADNESS“ | Dark Fairytale Animated Short Film (2019)

Created by David James Armsby. “This is the story of the Rat and the Hound. A tale of Great and Terrible times!“ “Once upon a time, under a rock on a hill, there lived a Rat. Many would come to visit the Rat for he told stories and sang songs. He loved poetry and painting and merry madness without reason! He often sat and told his tales to men and women and monsters alike!“ This animation was a really fun project to work on. It’s the most passionate I’ve been about a short film in forever. I did a colossal amount of drawings and paintings and even a pair of sculptures in preparation which will all be featured in the “Making-Of“ video. I really delved deep into the design and art side of things with this short and I think this is my most visually appealing films to date. I really love this little world I’ve created and would love to explore it further! I think a quick sequel focussing on the Hound is inevitable. Really hope you guys like this short film as much as I enjoyed working on it. ^_^ SONGS: Ross Bugden - Home Song Aviators - Death’s Embrace MAKING OF: SUPPORT ME ON PATREON:
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