Elementary qiangshu - Technical Requirements for Major Movements in Optional Qiang shu

Technical Requirements for Major Movements in Optional Qiangshu 拦枪:枪尖向外划弧,高不过头,低不过胯,力达枪身前段。Lanqiang - outward block with spear abbrev: LQ Move the spearhead in outward arcs, at a level between your head and hips, force reaching front part of the spear. 拿枪:枪尖向内划弧,高不过头,低不过胯,力达枪身前段。 Naqiang - inward block abbrev: NQ Move the spearhead in inward arcs, between your head and hips, force reaching front part of the spear. 扎枪:枪直线扎出,力达枪尖,后手必须触及前手。 Zhaqiang - thrust with spear abbrev: ZQ Thrust the spear straight forward, with your rear hand touching your front hand and force reaching tip of the spearhead. 穿枪:枪身必须贴近喉或腰或臂快速穿出,枪身要直。 Chuanqiang - pierce with spear abbrev: CQ Plunge the spear forward quickly, with the shaft kept straight and close to your throat, waist or arm. 点枪:枪尖向上、向前、向下短促用力击出,力达枪尖。 Dianqiang - point spear abbrev: DQ Move the spearhead forcefully in a quick upward-forward-downward strike, force reaching tip of the spearhead. 舞花枪:枪身要贴近身体连续快速立圆绕行。 Wuhuaqiang figure 8 with spear abbrev: WHQ Move the spearhead rapidly in vertical circles, with shaft close to your body. 挑把:枪把由下向上挑,力达把端。 Tiaoba raise spear with arm abbrev: TB Tilt up the shaft of the spear with arm, force reaching the shaft. 步型:弓步、仆步、虚步。 Buxing - stances: Gongbu - bow stance, crouch stance and xubu - empty stance. Subscribe for Wushu Vision - Wushu Federation of Odessa Region
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