Gunshu elementary techniques - Major cudgel techniques

Major cudgel techniques - Cudgel upper cut, parry, swing, downward slap, tilting, piercing, pointing, end tilt Cudgel downward strike Wushu taolu main techniques- 劈棍:棍梢由上向下击出,力达棍前段。 Pigun strike downward with cudgel abbrev: PG Move the cudgel tip with a downward strike, force reaching its front part. 崩棍:棍梢向上或向左右短促用力抖弹,力达棍梢。 Benggun (tilt cudgel) abbrev: BG Tilt the cudgel tip forcefully, upward or to right and left in short vibrations, force reaching the tip. 云棍:棍在头前上方或上方平圆绕环一周,力达棍前段。 Yungun cloud cudgel abbrev: YG Move the cudgel in a horizontal circle above or in front of your head , with force reaching front part of the cudgel. 戳棍:棍梢或棍把直线向前击出,力达梢端或把端。 Chuogun poke with cudgel abbrev: CG Poke with the cudgel tip or butt in a straight forward strike, force reaching the tip or butt. 舞花棍:棍身要贴近身体连续快速立圆绕行。 Diangun point cudgel downward abbrev: DG Move the cudgel quickly in vertical circles close to your body. 绞棍:棍梢或棍把向内或向外立圆绕动,高不过肩,低不过膝,力达梢端或把端。 Jiaogun (envelopment with cudgel) abbrev: JG Move the cudgel tip or butt in inward or outward vertical circles, at a level between your head and knees, with force reaching the tip or butt. Cudgel upper cut Cudgel parry Cudgel swing Cudgel downward slap Cudgel tilting Cudgel piercing Cudgel pointing Cudgel end tilt Subscribe for Wushu Vision - Wushu Federation of Odessa Region
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