I was at the airport on my way for a ministerial trip, leaving a situation with a deadline behind when the Lord started to comfort me with this song, and ever since God has been proving to me that there is NOTHING TOO HARD for Him to sort out. I also love the part that says there is no one God cannot save, no one is beyond redemption except if they refuse the love of Jesus. As you listen, worship and pray with this song, i expect your testimony of deliverance, salvation, provision and all round miracles. Song written and ministered by Victoria Orenze Lyrics There is nothing you cannot do Nothing too hard for you There is nothing you cannot do Jesus!!!! There is nothing you cannot fix Nothing beyond repair There is nothing you cannot do Jesus!!!! Chorus Jesus!!Jesus!! There is nothing you cannot do Jesus!! There is no one you cannot save No one you can’t redeem There is nothing do hard for you Jesus!!
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