BREAKING NEWS: Kim Jong Un departed for Russia

My backup channel on Odysee @PhuongDPRKDaily:e The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and President of the State Affairs of the Democratic people’s Republic of Korea, left Pyongyang by special train in the afternoon of September 10th for a visit to the Russian Federation. He would be accompanied by major leading officials of the Party, the government and armed forces organs. He was seen off by Kim Tok Hun, Member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea and Vice-President of the State Affairs Commission and Premier of the Cabinet of the DPRK, and other leading cadres of the Party, the government and armed forces organs. Kim Jong Un shared greetings with the senior officials of the Party, the government and armed forces organs who came out to see him off. The leading cadres of the Party, the government and armed forces organs wished Kim Jong Un hood health and success in his foreign visit. Kim Jong Un sent his warm greetings to the capital citizens and the entire people across the country, wishing them good health and success in their work. The train left amid warm farewell of the leading officials of the Party, the government and armed forces organs and the crowd.
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