Startling Rituals of Death

Día De Los Muertos Startling Rituals of Death #death is unfortunate enough as an event in human lives. Yet some practices that either commemorate or even bring about death for some purpose really serve to make it more disturbing. All perspectives aside, today we objectively discover some of the most startling death-related or death-causing rituals of the world. From sky burial to self-mummification, let’s take a look at the truly remarkable and macabre. #mexico is known for an enormous diversity of traditions and superstitions arising from the blending of traditional beliefs with Roman Catholicism. In keeping with a society known for its interesting festivities, death is not shunned or avoided, as it is in some cultures that handle the realities of life in a somber manner. Instead, the departed are heralded and acknowledged in raucous and colorful celebrations associated with the event Día De Los Muertos — literally “Day of the Dead.”
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