TRUTH by NathaN jX (Official Audio) from NathaN jX’s debut album “A Day’s Journey” releasing May 2022.
I’m writing this song
using the sound of the metronome
let me tell you something
it’s not an honor
to be tired and exhausted
waging wars inside my head
don’t think it to much, don’t overthink
boom boom everywhere
I’ve committed countless crimes in record times
the sound of silence is screaming too loud
it’s a hallucination of a ghost
flying by
reminding me of the past
the future is a blur, am I going to survive?
many questions come to mind
am I really proud?, am I envious, jealo
of those who are more privileged than I am
am I a wolf in a sheep’s clothing?
or am I just a little silly boy filled with loathing?
The reality of my life
is as simple as I don’t get why I am different
or don’t stand out from the crowd
I am a crow with a crown
eating garbage, feeling proud
lacking bonds, spitting thoughts
exaggerating my downs, time out
Don’t cry boy
It’s just a minor setback
You are not alone
Stand up and fight against your mind
You are strong
is that right? am I right?
I’m no king, I’m no tsar
I’m already overthinking
that’s not right, no, sir
tick tack tick tack
time’s up,
should I finally jump
or take a step back
and be better
now comes the time when I have to open my heart
I have to change the language because this is not my mother tongue
I really wish it was, I would be more proud, I’m already proud
Why do I lie to myself and all the people around me, that’s enough
estoy cansado, muy exhausto de ser yo
a veces pienso soy privilegiado otras veces no
Hipocrita es lo que soy, conformista por pasion
me quejo por donde estoy y soy ciego a otra situacion
ni blanco ni negro, yo soy gris esa es mi matiz
tengo una condicion sin la cual yo no puedo existir
me estoy desahogando, quitando el dano que la soledad me ha hecho a mi
prendele fuego a tu mente, domina el ente, y llega hasta el fin
That’s all I wanted say
It’s really not okay, man
see you later then
Take careShow more