Webinar 82: Telling Stories Through Cartoons

Editorial cartoons are among my favorite things about newspapers. The geniuses behind them find ways to powerfully pass on serious messages, often through humor. From worrisome stories of crime and violence to disappointing moves by political leaders, celebrity scandals and obituaries, newspapers can be depressing on a daily basis. But the cartoonist can often bring out a smile. One of Africa’s notable and celebrated cartoonists will be sharing the thought process behind telling stories through cartoons at our next webinar. As the head of graphics at BusinessDay Media Ltd, Mike Asukwo has been in charge of editorial cartoons for over 15 years. And in the age of social media, many of his sketches have gone viral. He will be teaching an introductory session on cartoon storytelling while also providing career guidance. Asukwo will address topics such as: — How does one become a cartoonist? — What are the vacuums in journalism that cartoonists can fill? — How have cartoonists hel
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