Back To Basics by bay 6 (final)

Release date: april 2015 Release party: Multimatograf 11 Compo: 8bit demo Platform: zx spectrum Ranked: 3rd Pouet: “Back To Basics“ by bay 6 __ \_\ A demo for Multimatograf 11 oldschool demo compo __ \_\ The demo was written in pure ZX Spectrum 48K BASIC without AY/YM chip or assembler routines. __ \_\ It is an invitation to 3BM Openair 2015 which will held . __ \_\ Main demo code was written using an amazing “BASin v14b“ by Paul Dunn __ \_\ BAS source was converted to TAP using mktap by Jan Bobrowski, with additional hacks by introspec __ \_\ Music was written in Vortex Tracker II by and then converted to ZX Spectrum BASIC using BeepornV1 converter by bay 6 __ \_\ Enjoy that raw madness of pure ZX Spectrum 48K BASIC :) Greeteing to all who write demos with ZX Spectrum BASIC and other fans of ZX. We invite you to make a BASIC demo for 3BM Openair 2015! april 2015 bay 6 music: n1k-o code, gfx, design: diver P.S. Sorry that SCL version won’t work properly with common emulators. There is some ways to run the demo: 1. TAP format (make sure that you’re in 48 mode) 2. SCL format in UNREAL, run from 48 BASIC 3. SNA
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