Motorola Z6C PROTOTYPE | Rare Engineering Sample | Retro Review

This is my vintage tech review of a Prototype Motorola Z6C which I found with a bunch of other prototype phones on eBay. This device is a Verizon network tester and has some differences when compared to the final model. It has all sorts of pre production markings on it and a few differences from the final release model. Being a prototype phone, it is extremely rare and seems to be a phone manufactured while its FCC status was pending. The Motorola Z6C was officially released in December of 2007. The phone was meant to be a watered down version of the Music oriented Motorola Rokr Z6 which was an expensive high end phone. The Z6C was cut down in many ways, such as the OS which is a generic Motorola OS for Verizon phones. It also lacked a flash, had a slightly inferior camera, no audio enhancements and so on. This prototype was just used for testing network settings and other software related things as by at this point, all hardware decisions had been made for the final release model. This retro review
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