REVOCATION, Blood Atonement Cover w/Solo

All David Davidson parts. Recorded using a friend’s Jackson Dinky 7 string in E standard using the neural DSP granophyre, some EQ, and reverb for the cleans. This is the most challenging song I have learned and covered so far and since I did not purchase the tab book, I spent a lot of time trying out many different finger positions and picking patterns, especially for the solo which took me around 2-3 weeks to get it up to speed working 2-3 hours almost every day. I love this solo but after repeating it nonstop I grew tired of it and now I cannot stand it, haha, I might need to get away from Revocation for a while. This is also the first cover with multiple shots, 3 for the rhythm section and one for the solo but what you see is what you hear. I recorded a one-taker for each shot and then made the montage. Huge thanks to my friend @ShalfeyTakagi for helping me with the montage and the video recording! P.S. If you are wondering why the sweater during the solo, its because it makes the sweep slide into t
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