Zelensky hugs BBC Ukraine reporter during press conference

Volodymyr Zelensky hugged a reporter from BBC Ukraine as he took questions alongside Rishi Sunak on Wednesday. “Greetings Mr President, I would really like to hug you, but I’m not allowed,” the correspondent said to Mr Zelensky. “Why not, please, do give me a hug,” the Ukrainian leader responded, stepping off stage to embrace her, as others applauded. The journalist then asked Mr Sunak if he thought the UK’s decision to send military jets to the war-torn nation was taking “too long”. Watch more videos at the Independent TV: Click here to subscribe to The Independent: About The Independent: Making Change Happen. The Independent is the world’s most free-thinking newsbrand, providing global news, commentary and analysis for the independently-minded. Connect with The Independent: Check out our full video catalog: Videos
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