Annus Horribilis, Good Riddance 2023 | What Will 2024 Bring Besides Bombs?

On this Moats, George Galloway reflects on 2023 and anticipates what 2024 may bring with reflection on some of the best interviews from this year gone by. Lowkey: British rapper and Political Commentator, Host of The Watchdog podcast on MintPress News:- X: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: @LowkeyOnline Scott Ritter: Former UN Weapons Inspector and Marine Corps Intelligence Officer, Author and Political Analyst:- Twitter: Rumble: @Scott Ritter Extra - YouTube: @ScottRitterAgain- Website: - Telegram: Chris Hedges: Journalist, Writer and Political Commentator:- Twitter: YouTube: The Chris Hedges Report on @therealnews- The Chris Hedges Report site: Colonel Douglas MacGregor: Retired US army colonel, combat veteran, author and a Defence and Foreign Policy consultant:- Facebook: : @StraightCallsDouglasMacgregor- Rumble: :
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